
Analyze Customer Protection from Calculating Lifetime Expenses
Code: CPD-00139

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保險銷售是一門技能更是一門藝術,但還是有一些規則需要學習和遵循。 成為一名成功的銷售人員需要很多條件- 從了解每年都在改變的市場,到分解要遵循的原則。
本課程解說一套在40年的銷售團隊管理中總結出來了的銷售原則。 這些都是銷售人員需要要理解、裝備和應用的。 這些原則幫助銷售人員知道該做什麼、為什麼這樣做以及如何完成工作。 一個亮點是算命工具,它實際上是客戶和每個人了解其保險的總量需求的系統。這是一種需求基礎方法,也是每個銷售人員都應掌握的重要工具。
本課程解說一套在40年的銷售團隊管理中總結出來了的銷售原則。 這些都是銷售人員需要要理解、裝備和應用的。 這些原則幫助銷售人員知道該做什麼、為什麼這樣做以及如何完成工作。 一個亮點是算命工具,它實際上是客戶和每個人了解其保險的總量需求的系統。這是一種需求基礎方法,也是每個銷售人員都應掌握的重要工具。
還有更高的要求 - 3W
有了8+1的基礎, 還需要怎樣的配合
- 專注
- 標準:知道自己在做什麼
- 技巧:幾個能力, 業績不斷
- 需要:“買夠了嗎 ?
- 工具【算命】是個工具與技巧
- 推薦:為什麼新人 很多做不長 ?
- 產品: 買對了嗎 ?
- 服務
- 合規
還有更高的要求 - 3W
有了8+1的基礎, 還需要怎樣的配合
- 專注
- 標準:知道自己在做什麼
- 技巧:幾個能力, 業績不斷
- 需要:“買夠了嗎 ?
- 工具【算命】是個工具與技巧
- 推薦:為什麼新人 很多做不長 ?
- 產品: 買對了嗎 ?
- 服務
- 合規
Date time
Date: 31/03/2023
Time: 14:00-17:00
Time: 14:00-17:00
Peter Chong
HKD 450 / Special offers HKD 360
Support Organization(s)
2023-03-30 16:00
Through eCPD to obtain CPD hours, you must complete the following steps:
1. Click the "ZOOM link" or the meeting number and password to log in to the course, and change the "display name" to my name
2. Before the start of the class, the video function must be turned on and the ID card must be shown (name and photo must be displayed, and the rest of the personal information can be covered by fingers), and the video function of ZOOM must be turned on during the whole process (according to the requirements of the judging bureau, course participants must display their appearance to identify Identity)
3. Before the course starts, enter "name+in" in the chat room and send it to the host as a login record
4. After the course is over, enter "name+out" in the chat room before leaving and send it to the host as a logout record *The above steps must be completed, otherwise the attendance hours will not be obtained.
1. Click the "ZOOM link" or the meeting number and password to log in to the course, and change the "display name" to my name
2. Before the start of the class, the video function must be turned on and the ID card must be shown (name and photo must be displayed, and the rest of the personal information can be covered by fingers), and the video function of ZOOM must be turned on during the whole process (according to the requirements of the judging bureau, course participants must display their appearance to identify Identity)
3. Before the course starts, enter "name+in" in the chat room and send it to the host as a login record
4. After the course is over, enter "name+out" in the chat room before leaving and send it to the host as a logout record *The above steps must be completed, otherwise the attendance hours will not be obtained.